It’s been an interesting few days. It’s been very cold. Mom keeps putting sweaters on me. They’re okay, kind of itchy though. She says they look cute on me. I’m not so sure.

Yesterday Mom took me out for a walk because I was bouncing off the walls as she says. We walked down the road and there were frozen snowbanks on either side. I couldn’t see over them. Then we got off the road and onto the trail that we always go on and I jumped and sunk down into the snow. I was trapped. Mom had to pick me up and carry me to the area where the snow wasn’t as deep. I had to jump from footprint to footprint to keep from sinking. It was great fun.

When we got back home I was very tired. I drank a lot of water and Mom fed me early. She said I did a good job. That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I hope it snows more so I get to jump around again.


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