
Benefits of Yoga for Seniors

Yoga is no longer an activity for young, limber, and fit people. There are many yoga exercises for older people. So why do it? Studies have shown that yoga can help you regulate the body’s systems, reduce stress, and help you sleep better. It can also improve...

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Elder Care: On the Issue of Constipation

Although people of all ages become constipated from time to time, research shows that this gastrointestinal disorder is more prevalent in older adults—especially women and residents of long-term care facilities. It’s important to understand that constipation isn’t a...

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Treating Arthritis: How to Stop Joint Pain

Forty million people nationwide suffer daily with pain and disability from arthritis or its complications. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation that is frequently accompanied by joint pain. But treating arthritis is possible. There are more than 100...

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What is Afib and how to manage it

You have undoubtedly heard of Afib either because you or someone you know has been diagnosed with it. Any kind of heart condition requires immediate attention and treatment. Afib is a heart condition that can have serious consequences if left untreated. The best...

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How to Avoid Diabetes Later in Life

Diabetes is one of the biggest health issues in American medical history. Over 30 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes. Another 84.1 million U.S. adults have what is known as “prediabetes” – conditions indicating the onset of diabetes....

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What to do when aging parents won’t take advice

  Caring for aging parents is difficult, to put it mildly. The role of parent and child seems to flip and that is never an easy transition. It can be hard for parents especially to recognize that their own children might have the better perspective and thus...

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Have an Emergency Plan

How do you plan for an emergency for someone who needs help with their daily activities? If someone cannot run from a fire or drive away from a flood, the options to help might seem limited. The National Safety Council lists “natural and environmental incidents” as...

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Dementia Warning Signs

As you gather with loved ones during the holidays, pay close attention to clues that they might be needing more help in their day-to-day lives or even living with a progressive illness such as Alzheimer’s disease. Just a few months ago, TV show host Dr. Oz revealed...

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Beware of Scammers

It might seem counter-intuitive: you invite a stranger into your home to keep you secure and safe from other strangers. The first time a professional caregiver comes to the home, they are a stranger to the person who needs in-home care and their family. Yet over time...

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Decrease Your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

New studies show that adopting a healthy lifestyle might reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, according the Alzheimer’s Association. One study showed that lifestyle changes could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 60%, and another study found that...

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