
Linda Ketchum

Linda Ketchum



I peered into the bedroom careful not to wake him, but it was all for naught. His blue eyes smiled at me as I came over to greet him, telling me this would be a good day.


I’ll never forget that mischievous smile waiting for me each morning when I arrived. Even though he was slowly declining, Gary kept me on my toes. Though he was well aware of his prognosis, that didn’t stop him from giving his all each and every day. Some days were full of activity with morning exercises, therapy visits, and arresting conversation. As time went by, these busy days gave way to quieter ones with muted TV and naps. Every day with him was a precious gift.


One of the things I enjoy most about caregiving, is just getting to know my clients. Most are just so relieved to have someone there to help them, though they may not admit that at first. Gary was one. It doesn’t take long for a bond to form, and as time goes on, it’s hard not to feel like family. Someone asked me if it was difficult to say goodbye. And how do you not get attached? Of course, you get attached. How can you not? But the payoff outweighs all the goodbyes. With each person I meet, I learn so much, and it’s such an honor to be able to touch their lives for the better.


No individual is the same. All are unique with their own special needs and requirements. All have a history and stories to share, or not. My role as a caregiver, the way I see it anyway, is to walk with them, listen, and assist as best I can on this unique part of their journey. Whether it is for a short time of rehab and renewal, through an illness, or being with them at life’s end, my role is the same, molding my services to the ever-changing needs of my client.  I can’t imagine a better use of my time, or a better place to be.